8 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Considering Bariatric Surgery

\"\"While weight loss surgery is beneficial, deciding to have it done should be a well-discussed decision.
It\’s not just about getting the surgery; it\’s also about understanding to make lifestyle changes that will help you stay healthy thereafter. The purpose of bariatric surgery is to assist you in reaching your weight loss goals and come out of the disease burden and its complications caused due to obesity. The following are some questions you should ask your doctor concerning bariatric surgery.


Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Considering Bariatric Surgery 


  1. Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery is for
– BMI of 40 or more
-You may also be eligible if you have a BMI of more than 35 and any of the obesity-related health problems including type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or hypertension, to name a few.


  1. Which bariatric surgery option is the best for me?

While you have the final say on whether or not to have bariatric surgery, your doctor should present you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. Your decision will be influenced by your medical history, current health status, and lifestyle, expected goals.


  1. What risks are associated with bariatric surgery?

Every type of surgery comes with its own set of risks and problems. Blood clots, haemorrhage, heart attacks, and death are just a few of the dangers. When the procedure is performed by experts, the chances of serious problems are extremely minimal.
So, you have to make the right choice of expert.


  1. How much weight will I be able to lose?

Most people lose between 50 and 60 percent of their excess weight in the first year after surgery, and it takes two to three years to attain their target weight.


  1. Will this have an impact on my fertility?

Your fertility & sexual behaviour improves significantly after surgery and you can conceive. It will be a lot easier, and it is suggested that you wait about 12 months before attempting to conceive. The link between PCOS and weight reduction surgery is significant since weight loss surgery helps to alleviate the symptoms of PCOS.


  1. What will my life be like after surgery?

You will be able to resume your normal routine within a few days of having bariatric surgery. You will continue to reduce weight and your health conditions will be easier to control. You\’ll also be able to participate in things you previously couldn\’t and work out comfortably.

  1. Will the weight loss be permanent?

While bariatric surgery can help you lose weight, you must also make the necessary lifestyle adjustments, such as eating healthy and exercising regularly, if you want to reduce weight and keep it off.


  1. Will my insurance cover the cost of the surgery?

Most insurance providers cover the cost of bariatric surgery as they recognize its benefits to the patient. Talk to your provider about the extent of coverage before the surgery. If you will be paying cash, find out the payment plan.

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