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JT Wellness Clinic

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Aiming at providing people holistic well being, not just via surgery. For everyone looking at over all well being, we have exclusive wellness services at JT Clinic.​

We undertake consultation and diagnosis procedures for:
  • Body composition analysis
  • Endurance testing
  • Nutritional analysis
  • Fitness analysis
  • Metabolic health analysis
  • Gut health testing
  • For patients who choose not to undergo surgery and for those who are ineligible for surgery, the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute offers medical management for weight loss. Candidates for medical weight-loss management include:

    ♦  Patients who decide Bariatric surgery is not for them
    ♦  Patients with a medical condition that prohibits surgery
    ♦  Patients with a BMI not high enough to be eligible for surgery
    ♦  Patients whose insurance companies don’t cover Bariatric surgery
    ♦  Patients whose insurance companies require their enrolment in a medical management program prior to receiving Bariatric surgery
    ♦  Surgical patients in other departments (such as for Organ Transplantation or Orthopaedic Surgery) who need to lose weight prior to their operation


    Your physician and  nutritionist will work together to develop a personalized-eating plan that meets your nutritional and weight-loss needs and fits your lifestyle. All plans encourage healthy eating habits that you can maintain for life.


    Each patient will receive a Bariatric Physiotherapist designed exercise program that is customized to your needs and current fitness level. From pedometer-based programs to seated exercises and etc., these plans will encourage you to get motivated and active. Consultation will include exercise demonstrations when needed and Bariatric Physiotherapist consultation / sessions when necessary.


    You will receive an evaluation for all obesity-related diseases and your treatment will include continual monitoring of relevant data, including liver, kidney and thyroid function; cholesterol; blood pressure; and metabolic syndrome.

    – Yoga

    – Psychologist

    – Cosmetic Surgery

    – Stress Management

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