8 Silent Signs You May Have a Hernia

8 Silent Signs You May Have a Hernia

A hernia is commonly thought of as a visible bulge in the abdomen. This is true, but there are other symptoms of a hernia that can appear as something completely different. Be cautious, and don\’t ignore or self-diagnose your symptoms because you think they\’re insignificant.\"8

Some hernias, if left untreated, can be quite dangerous. Let\’s take a look at eight silent signs that you may have a hernia.

Signs of a Hernia That Are Easy To Miss:

  1. Pain In The Pelvic Area

Some hernias in women are misdiagnosed as fibroids, ovarian cysts, or endometriosis based on the location of the pain. Although they may cause pain in the leg or back, these small but extremely painful hernias are usually diagnosed with an MRI.

Umbilical hernias near the belly button are also common in women. A hearty laugh accompanied by pain may be an unnoticed sign of this type of hernia.

  1. Weakness

Muscle fatigue and weakness in the upper leg and groin can be symptoms of a hernia.

  1. Nausea And Vomiting

Although it is not commonly thought of as a hernia symptom, an upset stomach can indicate a serious condition known as an incarcerated hernia. In this case, a gentle push does not bring the hernia back into place, necessitating immediate medical attention.

  1. Fever

Fever and hernia is not a good combination. This may indicate a “strangulated” hernia that is not receiving adequate blood flow.

  1. Pain Under Certain Conditions

If you experience pain when lifting heavy objects or feel pressure in your abdomen when bending down, this could be a sign of a hernia. Pain when coughing is another common symptom, as is tightness in the groin or abdomen.

  1. Constipation

Constipation can be caused by a blockage in the large intestine, which interferes with digestion. Passing gas will also be difficult.

  1. Heartburn

Heartburn can be brought on by a number of factors, including a hernia. Heartburn and chest pain can be caused by a hiatal hernia in the upper abdomen. It allows stomach acid to leak into the oesophagus, causing inflammation and symptoms similar to heartburn. 

  1. Feeling Full

An inguinal hernia can give the impression that a person ate a large meal when, in fact, they did not. Bloating and pain in the groin and lower abdomen are also common symptoms of this type of hernia.

Some of these easily missed hernia warning signs can be dangerous if left untreated. Speak to Dr. Jayashree Todkar laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon at JT Obesity Solutions and don’t neglect the most common symptoms: Bulge seen or felt in the groins or navel region or anywhere on the abdominal wall.



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