3 Practical Tips to Avoid Weight Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Although bariatric surgery can help patients lose weight more quickly & scientifically than diet and exercise alone, it will not keep the weight off indefinitely; patients must maintain a healthy lifestyle to sustain the results of bariatric surgery over years.
A lot of patients are baffled as to why they\’ve gained weight following surgery by a reputed bariatric surgeon. In the majority of situations, patients are unaware that they are engaging in dangerous lifestyle practices.



3 Practical Tips to Avoid Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery:

1. Follow Up with your Bariatric Care Team:

Patients who regularly attend follow-up visits following weight loss surgery and maintain regular touch with their weight loss practitioner are the most successful bariatric patients. Patients who attend their post-operative appointments have the opportunity to meet their surgeon and nutritionist one-on-one to discuss their food and exercise habits.
You are more likely to minimize negative behaviour and avoid weight regain if you attend follow-up visits with your physician. Similarly, your doctor will be able to detect any medications that are keeping you from losing weight.
If and when they have regained weight, feelings of embarrassment and failure are the most prevalent reasons people do not seek help following weight loss surgery. We want our patients to understand that regaining weight is not an indication of failure. The majority of the time, the patient\’s overall health improves dramatically following surgery, which is a noteworthy achievement in and of itself. It has been demonstrated that holding patients accountable increases their chances of success. To keep on track and avoid excessive weight gain, make sure you schedule your visits.

2. Follow the Program:

It may seem self-evident to follow your weight loss program\’s guidelines. Nonetheless, we know from experience that patients tend to follow their own dietary rules (within the first 6 to 12 months). It\’s natural for people to revert to previous habits that lead to their weight in the first place.
At JT Obesity solutions, we teach our patients how to make healthy eating choices regularly. We recommend putting high-protein items on your plate first. Next, eat a variety of non-starchy vegetables, ideally green vegetables, low in carbs and high in vitamins and minerals. If you\’re trying to lose weight, you can still eat carbs (in moderation), but you should focus on complex carbs like whole grains, brown rice, and beans. This helps them make healthier meal choices that will help them maintain the weight they\’ve lost.

3. Look for Help:

Many studies have shown that providing physical and emotional assistance to patients can help them lose weight more successfully. Support can take many forms, but regardless of the sort of level of involvement you want from your \”mentor,\” you must find the motivation to achieve your objectives.
People who appreciate your triumphs and love reminding you when your professed intention to live a healthy lifestyle does not match your actions make up a sound support system. Find someone or a group of people you can rely on to accompany you on your weight-loss journey.
We recommend that patients trying to reduce weight locate a workout/accountability partner, lean on family and friends for support, or join an online group. Many studies have indicated that regular attendance at support groups improves patients\’ long-term outcomes after weight loss surgery. A well-run support group provides an informal opportunity for patients to stay in touch with their weight-loss specialist while also giving ongoing information on correct nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

If you\’re having trouble losing weight while following a healthy diet and exercise routine, make an appointment with your bariatric surgeon so they can help you figure out what\’s wrong.
We at JT Obesity Solutions are on a mission to assist patients to live healthy for the rest of their lives, not just one year after surgery.

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